WordPress as a Service (WPaaS)

WordPress as a Service (WPaaS)


PlanMonthlyYearly3 Years

What is WordPress as a Service (WPaaS)?

WordPress as a Service (WPaaS) is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify your digital presence by providing a fully managed WordPress site. This service is tailored for both individuals and businesses seeking to launch or maintain their website without the hassle of dealing with technicalities such as hosting, platform management, and updates. Cloudifi takes care of all the backend operations, ensuring your website runs smoothly, securely, and is always up to date with the latest WordPress features and security patches.

With WPaaS, you gain the freedom to focus on creating and managing your content, while we handle the complexities of website management. Our service includes premium hosting on reliable, high-performance servers, regular backups for peace of mind, and expert support to assist with any questions or issues. Additionally, we offer a selection of customizable themes and plugins, enabling you to design a website that perfectly matches your brand and meets your functional requirements.

Whether you’re looking to start a blog, run an online store, showcase a portfolio, or establish a corporate website, WPaaS provides a scalable and secure platform that grows with your needs. Our service eliminates the need for technical expertise, making it easier than ever to have a professional online presence. Let us manage the technical side of things, so you can concentrate on what matters most: building your online presence and engaging with your audience.

Key Features

  • Backups Daily/Weekly/Monthly (Offsite options available)
  • Auto-Backup Before Update/Rollback
  • 24/7 Support, and Monitoring
  • Security with Imunify 360
  • Export/Import Site (Migration)
  • Cloud Storage
  • Flexible Backup Retention Rules
  • Roles & Capabilities
  • Email Notification
  • WordPress Multi-site Support
  • E Commerce Support
  • 1 Site
  • 10 GB Storage
  • 250 GB Bandwidth
  • Back up Retention: 7 Days
  • Off Site Backups Option
  • 24/7 Support
  • Fully Managed
  • 1 Site
  • 20 GB Storage
  • 500 GB Bandwidth
  • Back up Retention: 7 Days
  • Off Site Backups Option
  • 24/7 Support
  • Fully Managed
  • 1 Site
  • 30 GB Storage
  • 750 GB Bandwidth
  • Back up Retention: 14 Days
  • Off Site Backups Option
  • 24/7 Support
  • Fully Managed
  • 5 Site
  • 50 GB Storage
  • 1 TB Bandwidth
  • Back up Retention: 14 Days
  • Off Site Backups Option
  • 24/7 Support
  • Fully Managed